1. Zur Schau gestellt (4)

    Datum: 24.10.2022, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... Nancy tried to release her sphincters. Not a drop
    fell. Seconds went by, a minute; the crowd was silent. Clarence just looked
    at Nancy. "Don't you want to empty yourself?" he asked. "I..I..I.. can't.
    My muscles are cramped, and I've been holding them so tight they won't let go.
    What do I do now? Oh, but it hurts so bad!" Ralph looked at his wife,
    unable to relieve herself, though she was at the end of the day's ordeal. He
    called to her, "Nancy, try to relax, try to let go! Now, you have to!"
    The man with the bets looked impatient, and gave a shrug to the crowd. Two,
    three, four minutes went by. Finally, a few drops of fluid appeared at her
    splayed crotch. It stopped. Two more minutes; a few more drops. Then, a
    slight stream. The crowd cheered, as much from their own relief at the end of
    their patience, as for Nancy. The stream grew, and became stronger. Ralph
    noted it was almost colorless, but it was becoming more forceful.
    Nancy called to Ralph, "Is it coming? I feel like I'm letting out a little,
    but, gee, it hurts so bad, and my muscles are so tired, I can't push..." Ralph
    tried to encourage her, "You're doing great, it's coming out strong now..."
    He could hardly understand her feeling, with her bladder so overdistended and
    stretched that it was now having trouble expelling its contents.
    Seemingly minutes went by. Suddenly the attendant called "Stop! Stop! It's
    full - I have to get another!" Nancy, in shock, tried ...
    ... to shut off the stream,
    but could only weaken it. In seconds he held a second container under her.
    The bettors were looking in amazement. Finally, the stream slacked, and ended.
    The attendant started to take away the container, but Nancy protested, "No -
    I'm not through - there's more!" . Her senses proved correct, as the stream
    began again, continued another twenty seconds or so, and finally stopped. The
    bystanders were amazed, and some applauded, some cheered. Nancy reflected
    that she had never thought a woman's urination could be a spectator sport, but
    then she took several deep breaths, and tried to relax.
    As her shackles were released, she asked Clarence, "Did I have enough?"
    Clarence smiled at her. "You had enough. Want to know how much?" Nancy could
    only nod. "Forty-one ounces. No wonder you had such a bulge. I didn't think
    you could hold that much. " Nancy's bladder still ached intently, though the
    bulge was gone. She almost collapsed as she was led to the van, then slid into
    a seat, not speaking, not even conveying a farewell to Ralph.
    At the station, she staggered to her room and fell onto her cot as the door was
    locked behind her. She stopped not even to put on her meager underwear.
    Almost immediately she feel into a deep sleep, every muscle in her body
    Hours later, as she lay there, her consciousness was stimulated by a signal now
    all too familiar to her - her bladder was demanding relief. She ...