1. Dancing

    Datum: 21.07.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... cum in my pussy fuck my pussy.
    The game was over as Sandy in her black nightgown escorted Jack from the bedroom.
    Best damn game ever! They all commented to Jack and seemed rather gracious to Sandy. You gonna do the NBA Playoffs too?
    Sure. Wouldnt miss it! Sandy smiled as they helped her clean up the cans, plates, and other stuff about the TV room.
    Looking forward to it. One of the guys said as he left. Jack seemed a bit miffed but then HE had opened the door to this.
    The next day Sandy made good her promise to Stan and herself. Sandy enjoyed every second of it. Not just the dancing, which was a huge rush, but fucking Stan, which she did entirely for herself. She felt nasty, fulfilled, raunchy, satisfied enjoying every second.
    Look at the card I picked up today. Jack said tossing it across the table.
    Genesis. Sandy turned the card in her fingers. It was a picture of a woman in leathers with a bull whip. Agents? She asked.
    I picked it up at the auto body shop next door to where they are fixing the car. Youd never know it from the look of the place but they train and place exotic dancers. Marvin said the picture is the guys wife. Jack sat in the kitchen chair.
    Bet not too many people throw his cards away. Jack laughed. Sandy fingered the card slowly thinking, considering the card in her hand. Jack left the room.
    Ive never seen one. Sandy said inquisitively An exotic dancer, I mean.
    Really? then again youre a woman, so why would you? ...
    ... Jack chuckled.
    Honest. In fact Ive never even been to a male show. Sandy smiled at her generally conservative life. Have you?
    Now thats a question! Yes. Ive been a few times with the guys. I cant afford to go really. By the time youve been there awhile it costs some real money. I mean a buck or two or three per song in a three song set. It doesnt take long to really add up. Jack was more concerned about her reaction to his going to see the strippers than the cost.
    The week passed uneventfully. Sandy never threw the card out. She thought about things rather carefully. She had danced for Jacks friends and Stan. That had been fun, though quite nerve racking, truth be told. She enjoyed that and the money she had made... well, that was interesting too. She thought about it. It was the sensuality, the fun of being nasty that she liked not just the idea of money, though she did not deny that part of things either. On Tuesday Sandy asked to go out.
    I want to go to a bar you know where the exotic dancers are, real professionals not like the stuff we do or that thing you had me do for Super Bowl.
    Why? asked Jack. Sandy stepped over the question ignoring it completely.
    Well I know of a nice enough pool bar where they have dancers. Jack said.
    Good. I asked Deena to coming over and watch the kids for the evening. Do they have dinner too?
    Not usually. We can stop somewhere on the way.
    It was dark, smoky and noisy. Jack held the door as Sandy stepping inside. There ...