1. Dancing

    Datum: 21.07.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    The beat of the bass guitar, the drum pounding, the rhythm of the music pulsed as though at one with Sandys body. She closed her eyes. Holding a hot iron away form her and the ironing board Sandy spread her knees squatting as she swayed, her hips rolling from side to side. One, two, three to the beat she bounced her bottom. Sandy stood, smiled and pressed the next sleeve of Jacks shirt. She felt a bit randy today. Dancing made her feel nasty, good nasty. Passions flushed warm in her sex. She squatted and swayed again.
    Today, alone in the world of her mind she felt those sexy randy urges pulsing inside her, keeping beat with the music. The dancing helped pacify them, and yet at the same time added fire to the urges and desires. Sandy methodically unbuttoned her blouse. It was hot at the ironing board. She swayed about. Iron in hand she squatted slightly spreading her hips swaying her bottom about to the beat. She felt nasty and in that she sensed a fulfilling, no, good, no, better, it felt great in some fashion.
    Sandy rasped the tune with a smile. The beat ended. The next song began.
    Smiling Sandy stopped for a moment to finish the shirt. This was not helping. Unplugging the iron Sandy walked to the bedroom. Her son slept quietly. She plowed thru the back of her top drawer.
    Yes! She removed the small egg shaped device. Another drawer found a new battery and her tightest jeans. Quickly she replaced the battery and slipped the egg into her sex. It was a struggle ...
    ... since the birth of J.J. to get into these jeans but with an exhale Sandy zipped them shut. The egg would not slip out now. She flipped the switch to ON and left the room. Buzzzzz..
    Oh yes She staggered catching her balance with the wall. The egg was working its magic and she would not turn it off until the battery and her passions were completely spent. Sandy struggled to continue her chores. Standing to the sink she began washing the morning dishes. Deep inside tickled, then twinged, her tummy convulsed.
    God yes She clutched her hips with both hands as the first wave of orgasm crashed upon her being. Sandy bent at the waist grabbing hold of the counter as wave after wave of orgasm raced thru her pussy, convulsing deep inside, spreading wonderfully upward thru her center. Her legs buckled. She fell to her knees on the floor Sandy grasped her breasts.
    Yesoh, yes She rolled her nipples firmly between her fingers as another wave of pleasure overwhelmed her being. Nearly fifteen minutes passed before Sandys sex and the batteries subsided enough for her regain control. She stood on very shaky legs, squishing inside as she stood to the kitchen sink a smile widening across her lips.
    God Bless Ever Ready! She swished the cloth about the bottom of the last bowl. The beat of the music caught her attention again. She began to sway with the beat. The days werent so boring or so very long.
    Ding Dong, the door bell rang. Sandy fussed straightening her clothes as she answered the ...