1. Dancing

    Datum: 21.07.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... in red. Sandy tried it on.
    Yes. This with a garter and hose White knit with the seam at the back. The outfit seemed right. Sandy felt a bit embarrassed at the excitement building within. Im not supposed to want to do this damn it. She looked at herself in the fitting room mirror. But I do I really do. She confessed quietly to herself. Sandy decided to hide the costume until game day.
    The next afternoon Sandy called Stan.
    Today is your lucky day. Can you come up?
    My lucky day?
    Because Im going to dance for you. Ive got something I want to show you. Yes. Now
    J.J. was taking his nap as Stan walked in. The music was playing. Sandy had moved the furniture about the living room creating enough room for her to dance and one single chair sat available for her audience. Stan sat down. Sandy kept direct eye contact with him as she began to sway. She did as he had instructed as she had done often since that first time. Her blouse soon lay at his feet. Soon after the next song began Sandy laid her skirt upon the blouse. Her new attire had not gone without Stans notice.
    Do you like my new bra? Sandy asked with a smile.
    Sure. It is very nice. Sandy reached the clasp flick she blushed. Her cheeks crimson as she laid her new bra at his feet. Sandy danced on sensuously swaying her hips. As the songs changed Sandys finger tips danced a pirouette about her nipples her eyes never leaving Stans.
    The beat began. She swayed slowly. Do you like my new panties? Stan ...
    ... chocked on his answer.
    Yes. It was to much of a whisper to be heard really. Sandy swayed methodically depositing them too at Stans feet. She stopped dancing.
    Now Ive got nothing left to show you. Sandy blushed at her situation.
    Wow!! Stan stood to Sandy.
    No. Im not ready for that yet. I have to perform on Super Bowl Sunday for Jack and the guys. After that if you want we can you knowif you want.
    You sure?
    Yes. But I wanted you to see me first all of me this way before anyone else. Okay?
    You bet. Stan sat back down a bit puzzled. Perform? Sandy dressed before explaining things to Stan.
    Can anyone come to the party?
    I would prefer that you didnt I dont want to ask Jack. Besides, I will dance again for you just like now and then you can we can Because I want to fuck you too. After Super Bowl and her fucking the winner of the pool it wouldnt matter so much if she did one for her, just her. Sandy blushed at her blunt speech. But for now I want you to help me dance, practice for the big day.
    Sandy put her clothes back on and began again Stan watching, lusting, suggesting, and Sandy obliging, practicing, and improving her sensuality-her stage sexuality.
    Game Day
    Sandy sat at the kitchen table with the newspaper, the spread and the odds were plainly listed. She stared at the paper, reading not reading musing about things, today all of today emptiness gazing blankly.
    How many are coming? She asked Jack as he entered the room.
    Are you really ...