1. Dancing

    Datum: 21.07.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... pre-game.
    She looked at the pool, then at the money. The pool was nearly sold out. She picked it up and began counting. $980 and the $100 from Jack and several tips tucked into her costume She smiled. Somebody was going to get the fucking of his life! She vowed to herself as she walked to the kitchen.
    Half Time
    With the end of the first half a cheer rose from the front room and not for the game. It was time her time. Sandys felt cold, anxious, scared, nearing panic. Her hands were damp, clammy, and stiff. Her legs felt a bit wobbly as she heard chairs being moved about the room. Jack cued the tape. Sandy felt stunned at the first sounds of music. She knew what was next. Her. She was to perform to strip for these guys. She gasped for air, clinching her hands into fists and then stretching the fingers she walked into the room. It was silent except for the music. Every eye was upon her. She closed her eyes tightly as she began to move. Sandy closed her mind to those about her struggling to feel, to absorb, to hide in the beat of the music. She pulled her hair upward off her shoulders as she rotated her hips. She began to be in the music. Sandy opened her eyes as she began to dance to the first two guys. Slowly her hands caressed her breasts, her tummy and hips. She was beginning to feel that randy twinge deep inside, a wanton sexuality building from her passions within. She had plenty of time. It was half time at the super bowl the TV ads were not going to be missed. ...
    ... She danced slowly, sensuously to each man before the first button fell away. At the center of the floor Sandy removed the tiny French Maid costume. Pausing briefly as the next song cued Sandy danced to each man. Then her garter belt. She had each of the two men buying the most squares remove one of her white knit hose.
    Its up to you what they see now. Sandy whispered into Jacks ear. Undo the front clasp of my bra if that is what you want. She danced away and returning to her husband at the beginning of the next and final song
    Jack hesitated. His hands trembled. The clasp slipped away. Sandys breasts swung free. She returned to the center of the floor dropping the bra in front of Jack. She danced allowing each man to suck her breasts and in turn grope her twat. Then in front of Jack she stopped, picked her bra and walked to the bed room denying him a single touch.
    Sandy returned to the room. Many more dollars lay on the coffee table about the chips and dips. Sandy gathered them as well as the bits of her costume from about the room. The game began. She waited on the guys in just her bra and panties after all they had paid well for the privileged.
    The end of the third quarter found several of the guys at the entry examining the pool. JACK was the winner. A loud voice proclaimed his luck for everyone else.
    Well Its up to you, Jack. You can watch the game or collect your prize but you will miss the forth quarter.
    Not that good a game! Do you mind, Jack? Jack asked ...