1. Dancing

    Datum: 21.07.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... want? Jack asked without a clue of what that might be.
    I want a hundred dollars to spend and tips and Im gonna fuck one of them during the second half. If you want me to act like a randy tart then you gotta pay the price. And nothing for you till after the game either I expect tips thru the whole damn game. Sandy came back into the room sure that this would be the end of it. She was really steamed.
    Ill talk to the guys I I I am just not sure about this though. I mean I dont necessarily want you with another guy and some of them are married too.
    Put up or shut up. Sandy left the room angry at the entire situation hoping sure, but not sure about the result of her challenge. It would be the end of it
    Remember the deal you proposed? Jack asked in the quiet of the night as they lay next to each other nearly a week later.
    What deal? Sandy asked nearly asleep.
    For the Super Bowl party?
    Sandy caught her breath instantly awake.
    Yes. She said dryly.
    Well. Jack fell silent. Sandy knew what was coming.
    Spit it out, damn it. She said flatly.
    Well I dont want you having sex with anyone but the guys no I really want you to dance at half time. I told them how sexy you are. He shifted uncomfortably under the covers.
    I told you the deal. She didnt want to fuck one of them either and that was her ace, her trump card to squash the whole thing.
    Sam and Dennis cant make it but some of the guys at work wanted to come over. Unfamiliarity was Jacks trump ...
    ... card and he was pushing it. Surely she would not fuck a total stranger and so he was trying to get her to just dance as a compromise to a total stranger.
    Really. You tell everyone our business? She quipped.
    No. He whispered embarrassed at her accusation.
    But you want them to see my business. She rolled over to look directly at him.
    No not really. Just dance. You know blouse and skirt nothing more.
    Okay. You know the deal. I dance, and nothing more. Not I get to fuck one of them during the fourth quarter, when the game is on the line.
    Why cant you just do the dance and leave it at that? Jack quipped a bit frustrated and angry.
    Because I dont want to strip for your friends.
    But you want to fuck them.
    No. Do you want me too?
    Then drop this. It fell silent. They drifted off into a restless angered sleep.
    Jack looked at Sandy across from the breakfast table. She was feeding the youngest.
    Alright. You win. $100, tips and you can fuck whoever you want. Jack fussed with his shoes as he spoke.
    You really want this?
    Yeah. I think youre the sexist women Ive ever seen dance. I really want you to do this just not the other thing.
    Okay, and not the other thing? Too bad. Well have a drawing before the game. Better still, do one of those football pools, you know, where you buy a square with a score on it and the closest one to that score at the end of the third quarter is mine. Sandy scowled at Jack hoping still that he was going to renege ...