1. Dancing

    Datum: 21.07.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... room.
    Next time. Sandy trailed off pondering what it might be like to dance in front of people on stage. She smiled returning to her chores.
    That night Jack, intent on some football game or another, noticed the gentle sway of Sandys hips as she went about her chores. It intrigued him. She had a genuine sensuality about the motion. They had never gone to a strip club and to the best of his knowledge had never even seen a stripper. Sandy moved better than any he had seen.
    Why dont you take it off with the beat? Jack suggested hopefully. She smiled and began to move like Stan had directed. Oh, yeah. He could feel his manhood taking rise as she reached the last button. Sandy took off her blouse tossing it squarely at Jack. He jumped up. Sandy ran to the bedroom squealing. Jack took her up on the chase. It was some of the most passionate sex they had shared in months.
    Sandy began to dance for Jack once in a while. It was fun. They both found it exciting and stimulating. She never got passed her blouse and skirt or jeans before they ended up in a passionate twisted bunch somewhere, on the floor, the bed, and once on the dinning table. It was a great addition to their sex life.
    Next time arrived for Stan about a month later. This time Sandy let her pants drop beneath her. She was so randy she could not contain her passions. Her soaked panties stuck to her sex as she danced in front of Stan.
    And? Sandy puzzled at the question.
    Are you going to stop ...
    ... there?
    Yes. I enjoy dancing for you but that needs to be where I draw the line.
    Are you going to take the rest off?
    I dont think so not right now. I mean, no. Jack is the only one to see me completely naked. And I think I want to keep it like that for now. She could see the disappointment in Stans face, but he respected her stand just the same.
    Next months Super Bowl. I am having Sam, Dennis, Ben, and Dave over for the game. I wanna get a babysitter for the game. Can you fix a few dips and things for the game? Jack asked his palms beginning to sweat as he pondered the next question.
    Sure. Deena can watch the kids for the afternoon.
    I want you to dance at half time you know, like you do with me.
    No. Thats for you, us, and no one else. She said flatly.
    Awe come on. Please. I mean it is so sexy. You could do a kind of waitress French Maid costume and then dance at half time. I really want you to, please? Jack pleaded. Sandy stopped in her tracks staring directly at her husband.
    You want me to act like some randy tart taking my clothes off for your friends entertainment? Are you nuts?
    Exactly! Jack was missing the point shooting at him in her eyes and tone.
    And do you want me fuck them too?
    No. He had not given it a thought actually. He sat stunned staring blankly at the floor.
    No but you want them to see Me and want to fuck Me She left to room. So whats in it for me? I want something out this if Im gonna give you what you want.
    What do you ...