1. Dancing

    Datum: 21.07.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... appointment at eleven. The receptionist handed the usual form the Sandy.
    Please fill this out and have a seat. Ill let them know youre here. She stood leaving the room for only a minute. Theyll be right with you.
    Sandy filled out a standard employment application. It was dismal to see the lack of experience in much of anything. She looked about. The others were so young, so petite, so she fought the urge to run out the door.
    Hello. A woman in her forties spoke as she took Sandys application. Have you ever danced before?
    No. The urge to escape welled up inside her again.
    Did you bring an audition tape?
    No. I didnt know. Sandy choked on her embarrassment.
    Thats okay we have several available. Come this way. Sandy stood following the Lady to a dance room. It had a stretching bar, mirrors, and wooden floor. It felt cold. Sandys nipples tightened at the chill.
    Sit. Don will be right in. Ill just get a tape ready.
    The waiting was almost more than Sandy could tolerate. Between nerves and embarrassment she regretted the folly of the moment. She stood to leave just as Don walked into the room.
    Okay. So youve never done this before... He perused her application quickly. You sure you want to do this?
    No. Im not sure. But then I wont know until I try either. Sandy said truthfully.
    Cue the tape. Don spoke to the mirror. The music started. Lets see what youve got.
    Sandy began to sway with the beat. She was familiar with the music for that she was ...
    ... grateful. A bump of the hip and rustle of her shirt and a few buttons Sandy lay her blouse open. A turn, another bump and she unzipped the skirt allowing it to fall to the floor. She stepped out of it not missing a beat. She wiggled about dancing like she had learned from Stan. Her hardened nipples protruding upwards against the soft tricot bra she had on, her lycra-lace panties clinging to her supple form. The music stopped so did Sandy.
    And Don motioned for more.
    Dear, take off the rest of you clothes. The Lady said. If you wont do it here you wont do it on stage.
    It wasnt the nudity really that stopped her so short. She was not emotionally prepared to dance naked, not here, not now.
    I didnt see any of the girls doing that last night. Sandy stammered attempting to cover herself with her arms.
    Some of our clients require nude dancers. All of our Ladies take a shift. The Lady said.
    Do you want to do this or not? Don said flatly.
    Cue the tape. Sandy whispered. The music began. She dipped, turned and with a flick undid her bra. It slipped away. Her breasts giggled. Instinctively she covered then moved on. Another turn and her lycra-lace panties lay next to her skirt. She moved to the music, embarrassed, cold and naked. It stopped. She stopped. Don looked inquisitively at Sandy then at the Lady.
    Shave the muff and have her report on Thursday. Don turned to Sandy. It will take a bit of conditioning. Youve a few pounds here and there so watch the diet. ...