1. Dancing

    Datum: 21.07.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... Youll be fine in a few weeks.
    Jack left as Sandy gathered up her clothing. What time Thursday? She began to get dressed.
    About 4 PM. Youll be doing aerobics with the rest of the Ladies to burn those pounds and tone some muscle. And well start working on your routine. See you then.
    Sandy walked out into the warm sunshine. Jack sat waiting. It had been almost thirty minutes. Sandy sat into the car.
    Well? Jack said turning the ignition key.
    I start on aerobics Thursday at 4. They hired me. She giggled.
    Great. Jack exclaimed.
    But I had to strip. Sandy said embarrassed.
    Thats what they do, Sandy. Jack said.
    I know. But I had to strip naked, completely naked.
    And you did? Jack asked stunned.
    Yeah, sure. I had to in order to get the job. They have several clients that require nude dancers. Sandys head sagged a bit. And everyone get a turn at that.
    But you look good naked. Jack said bolstering his wife.
    I have to shave my you know my pussy... bald I guess. Sandy said quietly
    Yeah! Alright!! Jack exclaimed surprising Sandy with his enthusiasm. Cool!
    It took a full month of aerobics and diet to get to where Sandy was ready. The instructor handed a note to Sandy after workout.
    Report to the Bottoms Up club at 6:00 PM tomorrow.
    It was her first gig. She was excited and scared to death! Sandy could barely contain herself as she handed the note to Jack. He read it out loud.
    Are you ready for this? Jack looked inquisitively at his ...
    ... wife.
    Im scared to death. It is what I have been training for. Are you ready for me to go to work doing this?
    Im not sure now that it is here? But well I guess well both find out tomorrow.
    The Bottoms Up club was a dive. Sandy was disappointed. The dressing room was cold, dark, and dirty. The guys all three of them were drunk. One was playing pool, the other was sitting at the bar trying to make time with the bar maid, and the last was sitting at the stage waiting for HER. Sandy dressed in silence. Cindy, one of the girls she had met at aerobics was just leaving.
    Hi. It was really dead today. Hope its better for you tonight. Cindy quipped.
    This is my first time on stage. Im scared to death. Look. Sandy held her hand out for Cindy to see. It trembled. It was cold, clammy and sticky from perspiration.
    Here, let me help you. Cindy tied the bow at the side of Sandys thong. She wore a smaller one underneath. Tell you what. Ill sit at the bar and have a drink through your first set. If you get into trouble Ill be there to help out. Okay?
    Thatll be great. My husband will be here later, but hes taking care of my son at the moment. A familiar face will be nice. Thanks. Sandy said relieved.
    Thats your cue. The song began as Cindy stepped out of the dressing room.
    Sandy followed. She began her routine. It was different than that of her Super Bowl debut. She had developed it with the help of the instructor at Genesis. She was in a simple plaid A line skirt and white ...