1. Dancing

    Datum: 21.07.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... get really aggressive when there is no stage about.
    No stage. And where are we going to dance?
    Where ever they want us to.
    What costume are you going to use? Sandy asked as she waited for Suzy to dress after her work out.
    Suzy giggled. No costume Dear. This is buck naked.
    Oh. Sandy got quiet. She knew they had gigs like this and now she had drawn her turn. Sandys mind turned to Jack. She had to tell him. How? She wasnt really afraid of it, just concerned. They had resolved any issues with respect to her dancing weeks ago. Yet this was different, naked, private, no stage. It raised concerns in her mind too.
    It was 9PM before the Party began. Suzy, Sandy, and Tina stood quietly behind a simple curtain. There was no particular dressing room. Sandy peered around the curtain.
    What is that? Tape on the floor they dont expect that to keep anyone off us do they? Sandy asked quietly.
    No. They are counting on it not doing anything at all. They expect us to put out. Tina said flatly. And Im gonna. There is big money to be made at these Party gigs.
    Not me! Cried Suzy. Ill do my part but I hate being pawed and groped by every drunk with a dick!
    Youre loss that s more for Sandy and I. Tina chirped.
    Me? Whispered Sandy silently to herself.
    By the end of the first set Suzy stood naked gathering up her tips. Generous? Yes. Suzy walked towards the curtain. Next it was Tina. She worked the crowd picking out the best tippers to give a bit of an extra show. ...
    ... Sandy walked out to the last set. She danced about loosing bits of her costume on cue as she had practiced. At the end of the second song she stood in bra and panties. The next song made her very nervous. She turned flicking the clasp of her bra. Her breasts swung free, no pasties to cover her. Another turn and the panties fell away, not even her natural muff hair to hide her sex. She danced naked. At the end Sandy gathered her tips her clothes had completely disappeared. There would be nothing to hide under for the rest of the night.
    After an hour of dancing and drinking Tina began allowing the best tippers to cuddle and caress her breasts. Suzy did not. Sandy followed Tinas lead. By eleven oclock Sandy was horny, half drunk and naked. Men delivering a good tip got to suck her nipples. Bigger tippers diddled her sex. She wanted. Her body was responding aggressively to the stimulation. Her sex was wonton, wet, hot for a man and with the liquor she did not care much which man. Sandy quaked nearing orgasm as one man massaged her clit. It was near 1 AM when Suzy left. Tina had disappeared nearly an hour earlier.
    Sandy swayed her hips to the beat a man fondling her tits. Yes. She groaned. He picked her up repositing her on her back at the buffet table. Sandys legs widened as his cock found her sopping sex.
    Yes! Fuck me. Fuck my pussy. Sandy grunted loudly raspy with unbridled passions. A line was forming about the table. He they some six or eight men watched as he obliged ...